Jakub Erol * illustrator, poster and graphic designer * born 1941 in Zamość, died 2018 in Warsaw * graduated from Warsaw Fine Art Academy (ASP) in 1968, he was a student of prof. Henryk Tomaszewski * created over 1000 posters * major awards: Tadeusz Trepkowski Award (1970), Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice (1973, 1985), 5 Prizes of the Year in the 'Best Warsaw Poster' competitions (1970–1986) Hollywood Reporters Awards (1974, 1975, 1976, 1984, 1985), The Chicago International Film Festival Award (1987)
Trip for One Smile Podróż za jeden uśmiech artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1972 price: EUR 313 view poster
Va Banque II Vabank II, czyli Riposta artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1985 price: EUR 313 view poster
The Belly of an Architect Brzuch architekta artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1988 price: EUR 95 view poster
Married for the First Time Pierwsze zamążpójście artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1981 price: EUR 88 view poster
Andrei Rublev Andriej Rublow artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1973 ask about availability > view poster
Don't Look Now: We're Being Shot At Wielka włóczęga artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1972 price: EUR 188 view poster
Pilot Pirx's Inquest Test pilota Pirxa artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1979 price: EUR 70 view poster
Alarms and Excursions Sześc. w jednej artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 2009 price: EUR 45 view poster
Operation Arsenal Akcja pod Arsenałem artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1977 ask about availability > view poster
Lost among the people Zagubiony wśród ludzi artist: Erol Jakub year of print: 1982 price: EUR 70 view poster