Piotr Młodożeniec Posters

piotr mlodozeniec Piotr Młodożeniec * graphic designer, painter, author of animated films, books and press illustration * born in 1956 in Warsaw in artistic family. His father Jan was graphic designer, grandfather Stanislaw - futhuric poet and brother Stanislaw - painter * 1976-1981 studied graphic at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, diploma in poster at Henryk Tomaszewski studio * 1992-2003 makes and runs (together with Marek Sobczyk) design studio - zafryki * Lives and works in Warsaw * Major awards: Grand Prix at the 4th Poster Festival in Chaumont, France (1993), bronze medal at the 4th poster triennale in Toyama, Japan (1994), silver medal at 16th biennale in Warsaw (1998), icogarda Award at 19th Poster Festival in Chaumont, (2008), bronze medal at the 9th poster triennale in Toyama, Japan (2009); Silver Medal at the 23th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw 2012 - fot. D. Zgutka, 2014

7 and a half years of Poster Gallery of Wlodek Orzel & Darek Zgutka
7 i pol roku Galerii Plakatu Wlodka Orla i Darka Zgutki
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2017
price: EUR 22
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Poland, Independence Day 2015. The Lost Score
Polska. 11 Listopada 2015. Zaginiona Partytura
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2015
price: EUR 43
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Piotr Mlodozeniec Posters, Schody Gallery
Piotr Mlodozeniec Plakaty, Galeria Schody
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2013
price: EUR 29
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Poetic Manifestation 2010
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2010
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 36
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Poetic Manifestation 2010
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2010
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 36
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Poetic Manifestation 2010
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2010
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 36
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Zawisza the Black (Black Knight)
Zawisza Czarny
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 36
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Albosmy to jacy, tacy
Albosmy to jacy, tacy
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2007
price: EUR 43
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Before and After
Przed i Po
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2000
price: EUR 60
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Tiny Travels and Long Journeys: Polish Tourist Poster 1908-1998
Podroze male i duze. Polski Plakat turystyczny 1908 - 1998
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 36
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Jan Mlodozeniec Posters
Plakaty Jan Mlodozeniec
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 29
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Poetic Manifestation 2012
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2012
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 60
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Poetic Manifestation 2009
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2009
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2009
price: EUR 60
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Poetic Manifestation 2008
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2008
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2008
price: EUR 60
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Poetic Manifestation 2007
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2007
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2007
price: EUR 60
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Poetic Manifestation 2006
Manifestacje Poetyckie 2006
artist: Mlodozeniec Piotr
year of print: 2006
price: EUR 60
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