Man of Iron (f.) . Pagowski Andrzej . film movie poster . year 1981

PL/orig. titleCzlowiek z zelaza (f.)
Eng/orig. titleMan of Iron (f.)
title (fr)L'Homme de fer
poster designerPagowski Andrzej
sizeB1 (ca. 98x68 cm)
year of print1981
categoryfilm movie poster
film nationalityPoland
directorWajda Andrzej
actorsJerzy Radziwilowicz, Krystyna Janda
poster idpagowski_andrzej_czlowiek_z_zelaza
Man of Iron (a sequel to A. Wajda's Man of Marble) tells about Solidarity's initial rise in 1980. Wajda has managed to finish the film just before the imposition of martial law in 1981. Received Cannes Palme d'Or (Golden Palm).

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